Jenkins integration

To ease the integration of ElasTest in Continuous Integration environments, a plugin has been created for the most widespread open source CI server, Jenkins. Thanks to this plugin you will be able to make use of the functionalities provided by ElasTest from any Freestyle or Pipeline project.

To start trying ElasTest from Jenkins, you can choose one of these two options:

  • Use the Jenkins integrated in ElasTest. ElasTest provides an already integrated Jenkins server ready to use. This means that it is not necessary to install the ElasTest plugin (it is already installed) or perform any other configuration.You can start the integrated Jenkis in two ways:
    • Start Jenkins with ElasTest: just add the option [--jenkins|-jk] to the start command of ElasTest.
    • Start Jenkins from ElasTest GUI: can also be started from the ElasTest GUI once it has been started (this is explained on the next page).
  • Integrate your own Jenkins with ElasTest. If you alredy have a Jekins as a CI server, before you can use ElasTest as Jenkins plugin you need to install the plugin and complete its onfiguration. This proccess is described below.

To install the ElasTest Plugin you should follow this steps:

  • Navigate through Manage Jenkins / Manage Plugins.
  • The next step is to open the Available tab and search elastest. The ElasTest plugin will appear and you will check the box and click the Install plugin button.

The plugin configuration is very simple and you only have to fill in the following fields:

  • ElasTest URL: complete URL of ElasTest (including protocol and port)
  • Username: ElasTest username (configured on ElasTest launch)
  • Password: ElasTest password (configured on ElasTest launch)

Before you execute your first Job integrated with ElasTest, you can check if the connection between Jenkins and ElasTest is successfully established.