ElasTest Monitoring Service (EMS)

The ElasTest Monitoring Service (EMS) provides a monitoring infrastructure suitable for inspecting executions of a System Under Test (hereinafter "SuT") and the ElasTest platform itself online. This service allows the user and the platform to deploy machines able to process events in real time and generate complex, higher level events from them. This can help to better understand what's happening, detect anomalies, correlate issues, and even stress the tests automatically; all of which aims to maximize the chances of uncover bugs and their causes.

To achieve its goal, the Elastest Monitoring Service provides an OpenAPI endpoint whose specification can be found at http://elastest.io/docs/api/ems.

To enable the use of the EMS in a TJob, make sure to tick the corresponding checkbox in the TJob configuration:

The EMS will then receive metrics from the machine running the SuT and the lines written by both the TJob and the SuT to the standard output as events.

The host of the EMS is loaded into the environment variable ET_EMS_LSBEATS_HOST of the TJob, so the OpenAPI endpoint of the EMS is accessible by the TJob at the address ${ET_EMS_LSBEATS_HOST}:8888.

The TJob can use the endpoint of the EMS to deploy Monitoring Artifacts, which are sets of rules to correlate events and check if one or many facets of the test are behaving properly.

You will find the methods to deploy, modify and undeploy Monitoring Artifacts listed and specified at http://elastest.io/docs/api/ems. The functioning and syntax of the Monitoring Artifacts is explained in the next section.

Events in the EMS consist of a timestamp, a payload or content, and a set of channels stamps indicating the channels to which they belong. The Monitoring Artifacts can be separated into two main groups: the Stampers and the Machines. Events received by the EMS go through three stages: 1. First, incoming events are stamped with new channels following the rules of the Stampers. 2. Then, new events are created according to the deployed Machines. 3. Finally, outgoing events are stamped with further channels following the rules of the same Stampers.


Stampers are accessed through the endpoint ${ET_EMS_LSBEATS_HOST}:8888/stamper. To deploy a new stamper, we need to execute a POST method to this endpoint, specifying the version of the language used. The only supported version as of today is tag0.1, which makes the URI ${ET_EMS_LSBEATS_HOST}:8888/stamper/tag0.1 the only valid endpoint to deploy stampers.

Stampers specification

The body of the POST request contains the specification of the stamper to be deployed, which consists in a set of lines of the form


This construct indicates that, when expression EXPRESSION is true for an event, then such an event must be stamped with channel stamp CHANNEL. The EMS will compute the smallest set of channels that satisfies all the rules. A CHANNEL is a string that starts with character #. An EXPRESSION is one of the following constructions:

e.strcmp(PATH, "STRING")

A PATH is a sequence of field ids separated by a dot. The expression e.PATH(p) is true for an event if its payload is a JSON object containing a field at path p. The expression e.strmatch(p,s) is true for an event if its payload is a JSON object containing a field at path p whose value matches the regular expression s. The expression e.tag(c) is true for an event if it is stamped with the channel stamp c. The expression ~EXPRESSION is true for an event if its inner subexpression is false for it. The expression EXPRESSION /\ EXPRESSION is true for an event if both subexpressions are true for it. The expression EXPRESSION \/ EXPRESSION is true for an event if at least one of the subexpressions are true for it.

Default rules and output endpoint

If the payload of an event is a JSON object that contains a field channels whose value is a JSON array of strings, then the event is stamped with each of these strings as channel stamps. If none of the deployed Stampers contain a rule to stamp an event with channel #websocket, then every event is stamped with this channel stamp. Events stamped with channel #websocket are transmitted over the websocket endpoint at the address ${ET_EMS_LSBEATS_HOST}:3232. The TJob can establish a websocket connection to this endpoint to receive the events processed and generated by the EMS stamped with the channel #websocket.


Machines are accessed through the endpoint ${ET_EMS_LSBEATS_HOST}:8888/MonitoringMachine. To deploy a new monitoring machine, we need to execute a POST method to this endpoint, specifying the version of the language used. The only supported version as of today is tag0.1, which makes the URI ${ET_EMS_LSBEATS_HOST}:8888/MonitoringMachine/tag0.1 the only valid endpoint to deploy monitoring machines.

Machines specification

The body of the POST request contains the specification of the machine to be deployed. Each machine can be either a predicate over an event, a stream definition, or an action trigger.

  1. A predicate is a named boolean expression over an event, whose evaluation does not depend on previous events. A predicate named s is declared in the following way:
pred s := PREDICATE

The syntax of the PREDICATE is the same as the stampers expression, because both constructs are stateless.

  1. A stream definition is a stream of values calculated as events are fed into the EMS. Streams can be stateful and their values can be boolean (bool), numeric (num) or string. A stream named s of type t is defined in the following way:
stream t s := STREAMEXPR

The syntax of a stream expression is the following:


Where NUMEXPR is defined as:


And AGGREGATION is one of the following:


  • A PREDICATE is true or false for an event just like in the stampers definition.
  • A STREAMID refers to a stream declared in this monitoring machine (not necessarily a different one).
  • An if e0 then e1 expression produces the value specified by the expression e1 when the expression e0 evaluates to true.
  • The expression Prev s is true if at some point in the past the stream s evaluated to true.
  • The construct e.getstr(PATH) retrieves the string value at path PATH of the event.
  • A NUMEXPR represents a numeric expression. Its syntax is detailed later on.
  • The constructs <, <=, =, >, >=, and != compare the values of evaluating both sides of the expression.
  • The construct e.getnum(PATH) retrieves the numeric value at path PATH of the event.
  • The constructs +, -, *, and /, compute a numerical operation on the values of evaluating both sides of the expression.
  • An AGGREGATION(s0 within s1) computes an aggregation over the values of the stream s0, but only considering those values generated when stream s1 evaluated to true.
  • The different aggregations that can be computed are the average of the numerical values (avg), the sum of the numerical values (sum), and counting the events (count).

  • A trigger is a clause that specifies an action to be performed when a stream produces a true value. A trigger is declared in the following way:

trigger s1 do emit s2 on #ch

In this case, whenever stream s1 produces a value true, the value of s2 will be emitted over the channel #ch.