QoE video testing

This demo for QoE includes an example project using OpenVidu. The test calls the EUS to create two browsers, which will open an Openvidu session and share video, which will be a fake video with a padding at the beginning and end. The test will record the videos sent and received in each browser and call the EUS to start the QoE test. Once the QoE metrics calculation is finished, the generated csvs and the average of each of the metrics will be attached to the execution.

docker run --rm -v ~/.elastest:/data -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock elastest/platform start

Recommended system specifications

ElasTest needs some minimum system specifications in order to run smoothly:

Processor 1GHz or faster
SWAP 4GB (if RAM < 16GB)
Hard Disk 30GB

QoE testing

For execute this TJob just run the TJob JUnit5 QoE Meter Docker in the project Asserting Quality of Experience in WebRTC (QoE in older versions)